Methanol Training / Workshop with Liam Foundation — BIMC Hospital Bali

Methanol Training / Workshop with Liam Foundation

Posted on : September 9, 2015



Lhani Davies has set up the Life Saving Initiatives Against Methanol Foundation (LIAM) to raise awareness about the dangers of tainted, unregulated alcoholic drinks in some of the lower-end tourism spots in Indonesia. Davies shared her knowledge August 28 with speaker Dr. Wayan Sudana Sp.PD. KGH from Sanglah Hospital, an event hosted by BIMC Hospital.

Mrs. Davies says the core work of the foundation is to provide information about methanol poisoning to Indonesian doctors in order to help save lives. The Liam Foundation holds workshops for doctors and nurses in Bali on the subject of managing methanol intoxication. Future events will be posted in the Health-e newsletter.

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