5 Common Orthopedic Disorders Caused by Accident and Emergency Cases — BIMC Hospital Bali

5 Common Orthopedic Disorders Caused by Accident and Emergency Cases

Posted on : October 13, 2024

Sprained Ankle

Be careful because orthopedic trauma injuries may lead to an orthopedic disorder. It may happen after a fatal accident or emergency case. The disorder often is caused by fatal trauma around the hips, knees, spine, shoulders, or other joints.

Here, we will give you some examples of orthopedic disorders caused by accident or emergency cases. Immediately call a physician or go to the hospital if you are suffering from one of the orthopedic disorders below.

Sprained Ankle

Be careful when you are playing specific high-impact sports since it increases the risk of orthopedic trauma and disorder. A sprained ankle is one of them and it is commonly suffered by football, soccer, basketball, and hockey players. This disorder often involves quick twists, turns, or pivots.

You are about to feel uncomfortable while walking since the ankle ligaments are torn or stretched too far. It is also painful since your ankle is rolled or twisted. So, go to the hospital immediately if you feel pain when walking after a specific accident.

The pain is often followed by swelling and bruising. In this phase, you have difficulty walking. Your sprained ankle may worse if the swelling and pain are not reduced or gone after 24 to 48 hours.

This condition leads to chronic ankle instability, ankle weakness, and even rollover feet. As a result, you will easily lose your balance while walking.

ACL Tear

The ACL has an important role in the body since it makes your body stable and keeps some bones in place. So, you must keep your ACL safe to prevent orthopedic disorders. ACL tear is one of the injuries that lead to orthopedic disorders.

In this case, the specific ligament around the ACL is tearing to the middle of the knee. As a result, you will find it difficult to bend your knee. In the long phase, the ACL tear orthopedic disorder leads to instability issues, especially when you are standing.

Sports players who often do quick stops, starts, or turns have a big risk of suffering from an ACL tear. So, be careful if you feel an uncomfortable sensation around the knee after doing specific activities. You even must go to the hospital immediately if you are enabled to continue the activity.

It seems that you are losing your stability once you suffer from an ACL tear. It is often followed by a sudden swelling. The ACL tear trauma may turn into ACL disorder without proper medical treatment. You will be devastated since you have difficulty walking because your knee is weak and unstable.

Meniscus Tear

You also must keep your meniscus safe by carefully doing activities. Specific activities may cause meniscus tears, especially if you twist or turn too quickly while your knee is bent. Athletes often suffer from this orthopedic disorder due to their activities.

Yet, elderly people are also often facing this disorder because they are losing their stability while doing specific activities. In a chronic meniscus tear, you will find it difficult to bend, straighten, or move your knee. Indeed, a chronic meniscus tear is also affecting the way you walk.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is suffered by women who often wear high heels. It starts with a painful sensation along the bottom of your foot, especially around the heel bone. People who are overweight often also have plantar fasciitis issues.

Go to the hospital immediately if the pain is getting worse. The physician is about to give you some anti-inflammatory medications, orthotics, and physical therapy. You may have to take a surgery procedure if the condition is worse.

Chronic plantar fasciitis affects the way you walk. You will suffer from chronic heel pain, and it is hard to walk normally. In the long term, this condition may affect your foot, knee, hip, and back.

Lateral Epicondylitis

Lateral Epicondylitis is also known as tennis elbow disorder. It is a condition where you feel pain on the outside of your elbow because there is something wrong with the tendons. Just like its name, you may suffer from tennis elbow trauma when playing tennis, especially after hitting the ball in the backhand position.

In this position, the tendons that roll over the elbow can be damaged. You may also get a risk of this orthopedic trauma while painting with a brush, operating a chainsaw, or applying repeated hand motions. Be careful if the pain doesn’t go away after 24 to 48 hours.

It is a sign that you must go to the hospital immediately to get proper medical treatment. Your grip becomes weak which leads to difficulty in moving your arm without treating the tennis elbow trauma well. The worst part is that lateral epicondylitis can be a permanent orthopedic disorder without the right medical treatment from a professional physician.

BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua is ready to treat various orthopedic disorders, including those that are caused by the injuries above. You can also go to the hospital once you feel the symptoms of one of the orthopedic disorders above. The earlier you go to the hospital for treatment, the better since you can recover from the condition immediately after getting medical treatment.

The location of BIMC Nusa Dua Hospital is in Bali. It means that you can do orthopedic therapy while enjoying the wonderful views near the hospital. The atmosphere in this area is also good for your recovery or healing process.

Check the information you want to know at https://bimcbali.com/bimc-siloam-nusa-dua. Then, book a seat for a consultation session with a professional physician. They will give you the best suggestions to overcome your orthopedic disorder problem.

They are certified and have experience handling patients with various orthopedic disorder cases. At least, you can live more comfortably while facing the orthopedic disorder and preventing complications.

So, just contact BIMC Hospital’s customer service immediately to get complete information before going to the hospital for orthopedic disorder therapies or treatments. You can do it by calling the phone numbers on the official website, sending a message via email, or directly visiting the hospital.

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