The benefits of a regular medical check are well known. BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua
has established health assessment programs as a comprehensive examination
which will be an important factor for early detection of a specific disease or as a
baseline examination for further health check-ups.
medical checkup
Paket MCU Ruby - Male
Rp 900,000
- Pemeriksaan Darah Lengkap
- Analisis Urin
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Rekam Jantung
- Rontgen Dada
- Konsultasi dengan Dokter Umum
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket Pre-Employment Test (Usia di atas 30 Tahun)
Rp 1,000,000
- Darah Lengkap
- Analisis Urin
- Profil Lemak / Lipid (Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL and Triglyceride)
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Gula Darah 2 Jam Setelah Makan
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver (SGOT, SGPT)
- Tes Narkoba dari Urin
- Rontgen Dada
- Konsultasi dengan Dokter Umum
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Basic Heart Screening
Rp 1,000,000
- Profil Lemak/Lipid (Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL and Triglyceride)
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Rekam Jantung (EKG)
- Test Stress Jantung (Treadmill)
- Konsultasi dengan Spesialis
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Ruby - Female
Rp 1,500,000
- Pemeriksaan Darah Lengkap
- Analisis Urin
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Screening Cancer Cervix
- Rekam Jantung
- Rontgen Dada
- Konsultasi dengan Dokter Umum
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Jade - Male
Rp 1,800,000
- Darah Lengkap
- Cek Urin
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Screening Hepatitis B
- Rontgen Dada
- USG Perut
- Rekam Jantung
- Konsultasi dengan Dokter Umum
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Topaz
Rp 1,700,000
- Pemeriksaan Darah Lengkap
- Cek Urin
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Rontgen Dada
- Rekam Jantung
- Hormon Tiroid TSHS
- Pemeriksaan Parasit Pencernaan
- Konsultasi dengan Dokter Umum
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket Advance Heart Screening
Rp 2,300,000
- Profil Lemak/Lipid (Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL and Triglyceride)
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Rekam Jantung (EKG)
- Test Stress Jantung (Treadmill)
- USG Jantung (Echocardiography)
- Screening Penyakit Jantung (CT Calcium Scoring)
- Konsultasi dengan Spesialis Jantung
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Jade - Female
Rp 2,200,000
- Darah Lengkap
- Cek Urin
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Screening Hepatitis B
- Rontgen Dada
- Screening Cancer Cervix
- USG Breast / Dada
- USG Perut
- Rekam Jantung
- Konsultasi dengan Dokter Umum
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Pearl - Male
Rp 4,000,000
- Darah Lengkap
- Cek Urin
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Pemeriksaan Gula Rata per 3 Bulan
- Screening Hepatitis
- Rontgen Dada
- USG Perut
- Rekam Jantung
- USG Jantung
- Test Stress Jantung
- Konsultasi dengan Spesialis
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Pearl - Female
Rp 5,000,000
- Darah Lengkap
- Cek Urin
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Pemeriksaan Gula Rata per 3 Bulan
- Screening Hepatitis
- Screening Kanker Serviks
- Rontgen Dada
- USG Perut
- USG Breast / Dada
- Rekam Jantung
- USG Jantung
- Test Stress Jantung
- Konsultasi dengan Spesialis
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Platinum - Male
Rp 9,000,000
- Darah Lengkap
- Cek Urin
- Electrolit darah
- Faktor Koagulasi / Pembekuan darah
- Vitamin D
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Hormon Tiroid
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Pemeriksaan Gula Rata per 3 Bulan
- Screening Kanker
- Screening Hepatitis
- Screening Risiko Jantung
- Rontgen Dada
- USG Perut
- Rekam Jantung
- USG Jantung
- Test Stress Jantung
- Konsultasi dengan Spesialis
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Paket MCU Platinum - Female
Rp 11,000,000
- Darah Lengkap
- Cek Urin
- Electrolit darah
- Faktor Koagulasi / Pembekuan darah
- Vitamin D
- Fungsi Ginjal
- Asam Urat
- Fungsi Liver / Hati
- Hormon Tiroid
- Profil Lemak / Lipid
- Gula Darah Puasa
- Pemeriksaan Gula Rata per 3 Bulan
- Screening Kanker
- Screening Hepatitis
- Screening Risiko Jantung
- Rontgen Dada
- USG Perut
- USG Breast / Dada
- Screening Kanker Serviks
- Rekam Jantung
- USG Jantung
- Test Stress Jantung
- Konsultasi dengan Spesialis
Note :
- Assessment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history