By: Victor, MD
Why do I need home care services?
You are going home, and your doctor wants you to have home care services. Coming home from the hospital sometimes can be hard. You are still not able to taking care of yourself independently, You still need help or someone to assist you, someone who can help you to connect with the special community for example. Then, many questions come into your mind, does your family have the ability to take care of you? Who will come to your home to assist you? What will they do?
Let say when you have at least two chronic health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes with limb wound, then you know that there are a lot of things to keep an eye on every symptoms, medications and doctor visits. With such a complex health problem, without ongoing treatment and care, it is very difficult to achieve a fast and optimal healing . That’s where Home Care services needed.
Who is the team that will comes to my home?
It may be a nurse, doctor, or physiotherapist. It depends on the care that you need. They are Licensed Healthcare Professionals who will help you to learn more about your medications. Educate you and your family about the treatment or procedure that your doctor had suggested Provide treatment that helps you moving around and feel better like you did before.
If you’ve visited your specialist or had been hospitalized, the team will follow up. Once they know all about the treatment or procedure that you have taken, you will be the focus of the team and they will listen to your needs and preferences. They’ll also work with you on a share care plan. A shared care plan is designed to facilitate communication among members of the care team, including the patient and providers. By giving you the opportunity to help develop and negotiate your care plans, transforms the relationship between you and team, and they can better understand yours preferences and values in relation to your health and health care.
In addition, patient engagement through shared care plans promotes shared decision making between patients and providers. And Your shared care plan will include your health goals and the care that you receive from your doctor, specialist, nurses and others like physiotherapists.
You can get your home care services according to your needs. If you want to talk to someone in your Home Care team , you might call or text , or they might call you to see how you’re going.
BIMC Hospital Kuta provide home care services such as : General Practitioner or Specialist Doctor visit, nursing care, wound care, vaccination services, physiotherapy, laboratory sampling, vitamin infusion and Covid-19 testing, etc.
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- Hotline Homecare +62 819 4542 7001 (WA text only)
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