BIMC to Host Specialist Workshop

BIMC to Host Specialist Workshop

Posted on : January 10, 2017

PT GPD Indonesia will hold its national workshop at BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua Feb. 22-23 attended by 40 specialists from across the country, particularly members of PERDATIN (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Anestesia dan Intensive Care Indonesia).

The workshop: “Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Injection with Guided Ultrasound” will focus on guided injection techniques for a patient’s shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot.

Dr. Ketut Ngurah Gunapriya, Sp.An, KIC FIPP and Dr. Dedi Susila SpAn KMN, will lead the two-day workshops demonstrating the physical nature of musculoskeletal ultrasound in interventional pain management followed by diagnosis, examination, scanning and injection techniques.

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