Avoiding Sunburn on Bali Holiday — BIMC Hospital Bali

Avoiding Sunburn on Bali Holiday

Posted on : September 26, 2022

Avoiding Sunburn On Bali Holiday

Avoiding Sunburn on Bali Holiday — As Bali is only eight degrees south of the equator, ultraviolet rays don’t have to travel as far as they do in more northern latitudes, so they deliver more UV rays per minute of exposure. Add the reflective nature of sand and water and a short visit to the beach or pool to “work on my tan” can quickly lead to lobster colored skin.

Sunburn become one of risk factor of contracting melanoma — the most serious form of skin cancer. One blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence more than doubles a person’s chances of developing melanoma later in life. A person’s risk for melanoma also doubles if he or she has had five or more sunburns at any age.”

Here are the ABC tips to avoid sunburning:

A: Avoid

Stay away from the sun in the middle of the day. UV rays are strongest during summer months when the sun is directly overhead. This is normally between 10 am and 4 pm.

B: Block

Block the sun’s rays using SPF 30 or higher sunscreen. Apply the lotion 30 minutes before going outside and reapply often during the day. Use broad-spectrum sunscreens that block the greatest amount of the sun’s rays.

C: Cover up

Cover up using protective clothing, such as a long sleeve shirt and hat when in the sun. Use clothing with a tight weave to keep out as much sunlight as possible. Sunglasses and hats with brims are important. Clothing rated with UPF (UV protection factor) can also be worn.

Keep you and family safe from sunburns all summer holiday in Bali. But if you’re concerned about how treating sunburn, consult with our physician at BIMC Ubud Medical Centre : admin.ubud@bimcbal.com

Avoiding Sunburn on Bali Holiday — As Bali is only eight degrees south of the equator, ultraviolet rays don’t have to travel as far as they do in more northern latitudes, so they deliver more UV rays per minute of exposure.

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