September 29 marks World Heart Day, an annual day of global health awareness launched by the World Heart Federation. WHF’s mission is to lead the fight against heart disease worldwide.
The organization’s efforts are aligned with the World Health Organization’s goal to reduce premature death from non-communicable diseases, including heart disease, by 25 percent by the year 2025.
Medical check-up programs at BIMC are designed to identify risk factors and early signs of major diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Screening is conducted in a quiet, comfortable environment with the personal attention of experienced medical staff, allowing time to discuss health issues and test results of your screening with the doctor.
BIMC Hospital also provides Cardiovascular Risk Assessment for you to learn firsthand the dangers of having a cardiovascular incident, and most importantly how to prevent it.
The package includes:
- Comprehensive Questionnaire
- Medical history
- Family medical history
- Life style history
- Investigations
- Blood Tests
- Fasting blood sugar (Fasting Glucose)
- Total lipid profile (Total Cholesterol, Triglyseride, HDL, LDL)
- Recommended Optional Investigations and Tests
- Treadmill
- Chest X-Ray
- HbA1C
Each assessment takes approximately 1-2 hours; patients are asked to refrain from eating 10 hours prior to their appointment time with the exception of plain water only. Your attending doctor may also consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination.