How to Reduce the Effects of Jet Lag? — BIMC Hospital Bali

How to Reduce the Effects of Jet Lag?

Posted on : September 19, 2022

How To Reduce The Effects Of Jet Lag

How to Reduce the Effects of Jet Lag? — Jet lag occurs when the brain cells that regulate the circadian rhythm, can’t adjust to the new time zone fast enough, messing up traveller’s metabolism, sleep pattern, and pretty much everything else on the first few days of vacation.

Since jet lag cannot be entirely avoided or prevented, there are multiple ways to minimize the symptoms and help your body adjust accordingly upon arriving in a new time zone.

Before Travel

It is recommended to have enough rest to prevent becoming overtired prior to departing and try to book flights that align well with your sleep schedule to lessen any disruptions. Having seats with extra space for added comfort or those near the window to avoid unnecessary disruption, would be an advantage. 

During Travel

Avoid having large/heavy meals as well as alcohols and caffeine consumption as they can disrupts sleeping quality. You may prefer to have smaller and lighter options with protein, and stay properly hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

You can also benefit the travel kit provided by the airlines to have comfortable sleep and rest, such as: eye masks, earplugs, travel pillows, noise cancelling headphones, quiet, soothing music.

Make sure to do light exercise (by just simply get up, move around, or stretch) either in the airport during a layover or during the flight to avoid sitting too long. Sitting for long extended periods can leave a person at higher risk for blood clot formation.

You might also want to adjust your schedule of your sleep in to your destination time zone, try to stay awake until your normal bedtime based on local time.

After Travel

If arriving to Bali at night, make proper arrangements for sleep while trying to maintain normal sleep hygiene as at home. Aim to get as much sleep as would normally occur within a 24-hour period; it is recommended to try and get at least a minimum of four hours of sleep on local Bali time. 

Medications that assist with sleep onset may be helpful, but only under the guidance of appropriate medical personnel. If they are not used ordinarily, use of sleeping medication may actually add to the severity of jet lag symptoms.

Still having trouble getting to sleep and you feel your holiday is slipping by? Check with your physician for further assistance at BIMC Ubud Medical Centre :

How to Reduce the Effects of Jet Lag? — Jet lag occurs when the brain cells that regulate the circadian rhythm, can’t adjust to the new time zone fast enough, messing up traveller’s metabolism, sleep pattern, and pretty much everything else on the first few days of vacation.

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