Seven years ago, a severe accident would dramatically change the life of Madé Lonoyasa, a Balinese young man who fell over 10 meters from a coconut tree seriously damaging his spinal cord. Going from a healthy youngster who enjoyed his life in the Balinese countryside to bed-ridden with complete paralysis would be the start of a life he and his family could never have imagined.
Without the financial means to properly support and cope with the situation, Made’s wife began a tedious and difficult search to find the right care that didn’t exist in their simple North Bali village. Seven difficult years passed in search of medical assistance and treatment until Sole Men Barefoot Walkers, a non-government organization that supports the disadvantaged, brought Made to BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua.
Carefully analyzed over several days of hospitalization, Made and his family were provided for the first time in their painful journey the needed aid for such an immobilizing condition.
Today, thanks to the generosity of the hospital and NGO, Made, a father to a 10 years old boy, was released with the hope that his new daily routine combining medicine and physiotherapy will significantly improve his quality of life.