7 Effective Tips To Keep the Immune System Strong During the Imlek Festival — BIMC Hospital Bali

7 Effective Tips To Keep the Immune System Strong During the Imlek Festival

Posted on : January 22, 2025
7 Effective Tips To Keep The Immune System Strong During The Imlek Festival Res 2

You should do various activities during Imlek. For example, you must visit your relatives, eat so many special dishes and drinks, or take a long trip to meet your family members. Staying fit is the best thing you can do to join the festival from the beginning until the end. That’s why we want you to prepare yourself earlier so you can celebrate the festival and attend the party in your best health condition. Here, we share with you some effective tips to keep your immune system safe during the Imlek Festival.

Maintain Your Sleeping 

Maintain Your Sleeping Res

You must meet your family members during this festival. It means that you will talk with so many people. Keeping focus and maintaining your stamina is one of the best tricks you can do to have a strong immune system. 

Maintaining your sleeping time is one of the simplest methods to get a strong immune system. As a result, you can stay focused while meeting and talking with your relatives. 

The most important thing is that you can prevent unwanted side effects, such as exhaustion, dizziness, and many more. Try to sleep or take a nap anytime you have time before continuing to meet your family members.

Bring a Water Supply and Drink It to Stay Hydrated 

Bring A Water Supply And Drink It To Stay Hydrated Res

Remember to bring a water bottle while going outside to meet your relatives during the Imlek celebration. Drink the water to meet your daily needs. Indeed, this trick will keep you hydrated to prevent dehydration and other unwanted conditions. 

Stay hydrated and keep your focus and stamina stable. Dehydration can cause dizziness, low blood pressure, headache, and many more. Don’t let these side effects affect your plan to meet relatives you want to see for so long during Imlek. 

Control Your Appetite 

Control Your Appetite Res

No doubt! You will see a lot of delicious dishes at the Imlek celebration. Most dishes contain fats, carbohydrates, sugar, salt, and many more. Eating too many dishes may affect your health, such as your blood pressure and blood sugar. 

So, we suggest you control your appetite while visiting Imlek parties. Just because you must control your appetite doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to enjoy the party. Maintaining the way you choose the dishes, and drinks is the key to controlling your appetite. 

For example, choose dishes with a lot of vegetables to balance the compounds your body is about to absorb. Pick more vegetables, fruits, and other healthier dishes and drinks, so you can still enjoy the party. Alternatively, you can also pick the dishes in small portions to prevent metabolism intake. 

Choose to drink water compared to juices or other drinks that contain sugars and other ingredients that are bad for your health. Start your day with food with protein and fiber before going to parties. As a result, you feel full and take only a small portion of food. 

Take a Regular Medical Checkup 

Take A Regular Medical Checkup Res

We also suggest you have a regular medical checkup before attending the Imlek parties. The result of the medical checkup explains your actual condition. As a result, you can decide the things to do at the parties, such as the way you choose the dishes. 

The doctor often gives you advice after reading your medical checkup report. For example, if you suffer from high blood pressure, the doctor will suggest you not eat dishes with high levels of salt or coconut. 

On the other hand, your doctor will suggest you limit eating or drinking menus with high levels of sugar if your blood sugar is not too good. The most important thing is that you must follow the advice to enjoy the party. 

Avoid Smokers in the Imlek Parties 

Avoid Smokers In The Imlek Parties Res

You will meet various people at the Imlek party, including smokers. As we can’t control the situation, just control yourself to stay healthy. The simplest thing to do is avoid talking with smokers while at the party.

Ensure that they finish smoking before meeting them. The smoke from cigarettes affects your health. Cough and difficulty breathing are two common direct side effects if you get close to a smoking person. Wear a standardized medical mask if you must meet those people at the party. 

Strengthen Your Immune System a Few Days before the Party 

Strengthen Your Immune System A Few Days Before The Party Res

Stop doing something unhealthy a few days or weeks before the Imlek party. Replace unhealthy activities with healthy activities. For example, you can start doing some small exercises, such as walking, jogging, and many more. 

Start controlling eating habits by choosing a healthier option. This trick is to prepare your immune system to welcome the party. 

As a result, you have good health and stamina while attending the Imlek party. Indeed, you will enjoy the party without feeling exhausted, dehydrated, or in other unhealthy conditions.

Consume Extra Vitamins and Supplements 

Consume Extra Vitamins And Supplements Res

You can go to the doctor and consult about your plan to attend an Imlek party. Your doctor may give you prescribed vitamins and supplements to consume to strengthen your immune system. 

We suggest you go to the doctor to take prescribed vitamins and supplements to ensure that it is safe for you. As a result, you will also get the health benefits of consuming those supplements without worrying about the side effects. 

So, stay healthy and safe to welcome the Imlek Festival. Having a healthy body leads you to a great Imlek party experience. You can go to our hospital, BIMC Hospital Kuta in Bali, to get a regular medical checkup. 

Our doctor will check your actual condition and give valuable suggestions for your health. As a result, you can attend the Imlek party and have wonderful memories with your beloved family members. 

We even suggest people who have specific health issues come to our hospital for a medical checkup. Our doctor will try to help you, so you can attend the special day and meet your lovely relatives.  Visit our official website, www.bimcbali.com/bimc-hospital-kuta to find more information about our hospital and medical services. Please contact +62 851 7961 6911 (Hotline : Medical Check Up) to make an appointment with our doctors to check and discuss your health conditions. We are happy to see you celebrate the Imlek Festival with your lovely family in your best health condition.  

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