Heart attack is one of the deadliest diseases in the world! One of the causes is that people often don’t realize the early signs and symptoms of heart attack.
They can go to the hospital immediately when they feel the early symptoms if they know it. That’s why we want to share with you some early heart attack signs and symptoms you shouldn’t ignore.
A Discomfort Sensation around the Chest

Be aware if you feel a discomfort sensation around the chest regularly. It is one of the most common early symptoms of heart attack. Some people ignore this sign because the pain is gone after a few minutes.
Sometimes, they ignore it because they can still hold the uncomfortable condition. The thing you must know is that the uncomfortable condition often happens in the center or left side of your chest.
The pain is often gone after a few minutes, but you will feel it again soon. Go to the hospital if you feel this sensation over again and the duration is even closer. You can suffer from a heart attack when you don’t treat it well.
You Have Difficulty Breath

Difficulty in breath is the next early heart attack symptom. So, you must go to the doctor right away to diagnose your condition if you are suffering from shortness of breath.
This early sign can be more serious if you also feel that something is tight in your chest. We suggest you go to the hospital immediately to check your health condition to limit the risk of heart attack.
You Feel Dizzy Regularly

Go to the hospital immediately if you feel dizzy regularly. It means that the duration of the dizziness is closer and makes you feel uncomfortable.
This dizziness doesn’t feel better even after consuming antibiotics. This symptom often happens among females who have a higher risk of heart attack. So, don’t underestimate your dizzy condition because it may lead to serious illnesses, including heart attacks.
You are Dealing with Excess Sweat

People often ignore this early heart attack symptom because it is only sweating. The problem is that this sweating is different compared to regular sweating. This condition is commonly known as cold sweat. Cold sweat triggers different effects on the body. You will feel anxious if you suffer from cold sweat.
Be careful with this condition because it is often followed by heart attack or other heart attack symptoms. Most heart attack patients explained that they feel cold sweat followed by a painful sensation around the chest.
You Feel Painful in Other Parts than Chest

People also often ignore pain around their arms, neck, back, or jaw. The truth is that you shouldn’t ignore the pain in your arms, neck, back, and jaw because it can be the early symptoms of a heart attack.
The signs of heart attack are even bigger if you feel this unpleasant condition regularly or over again. Seek help from the doctors immediately if you feel this pain over again, so they can diagnose your condition. They can limit the serious risks of heart attack if it is a sign of it.
You Have a Digestive Problem

Don’t underestimate a digestive problem because it is not always a gastrointestinal problem. Surprisingly, it can also be an early heart attack sign.
In this condition, you feel severe heartburn around the left side of your stomach. Go to the doctor if this condition happens to you all the time even after taking medicines you buy from the local pharmacies.
You are Suffering from Swelling on the Leg or Foot

Be careful if you are suffering from swelling on your leg or foot. It can be an early heart attack symptom. Your leg or foot is swelling because the fluid is stuck there. In this condition, there is a problem in your heart so it can’t pump the fluid through the body as usual.
Commonly, swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet is followed by other heart attack symptoms. The point is that you must visit a doctor if your legs, ankles, or feet suddenly swell.
You are Suffering from Skin Discoloration around the Lips or Fingertips

Check your lips and fingertips now! Find out whether the skin color around these areas’ change or not. If there is a color change there, you must go to the doctor immediately.
Discoloration around the lips or fingertips can be an early heart attack sign. People often ignore this sign because it is only a color change.
They think they can cover it with makeup. The truth is that it may lead to a serious disease, such as a heart attack, especially if it is followed by other heart attack symptoms.
You Feel Something Wrong with Your Heartbeat

You also must be sensitive to your heartbeat. You must notice if your heartbeat is not as normal as usual. An uneven heartbeat can be a sign of a problem in your body, and it can be a heart attack.
People who have suffered from a heart attack explained that the heartbeat felt like racing, fluttering, or beating faster than their normal condition. The heartbeat sensation seems to be the same as the heartbeat when you are shocked or experiencing something terrible.
Imagine if you face this heartbeat regularly in your normal condition. Indeed, it is a sign that there is a problem with your heart. Go to the doctor to get a clear diagnosis of the condition of your heart.
The earlier you go to the doctor to check your heart condition, the lesser the risk of heart attack. Even if the doctor detects early heart attack symptoms, they can get the best medication treatments to overcome it.
You can go to BIMC Hospital Kuta in Bali to get a regular medical checkup. Our doctor is ready to handle patients with early heart attack symptoms.
The information about this service at https://bimcbali.com/bimc-hospital-kuta. Please contact BIMC Call Centre at +62 811 3960 8500 (text only), BIMC Emergency 24 Hours +62 361 761263, +62 812 386 5548.