The Reasons Why STD Testing Is Important — BIMC Hospital Bali

The Reasons Why STD Testing Is Important

Posted on : December 16, 2024
The Reasons Why Std Testing Is Important

Everyone knows how dangerous STDs are. It is not all about the effect on health. But, its ability to spread and infect others is worrying many people. Once someone gets it, it will most likely be spread to other people, especially those who are close to that person.

For that reason, a regular STD test to detect the existence of this disease is important. It helps the patient to get treatment for this disease. More than that, the test also helps to prevent unwanted health risks. Here are four reasons why this test can prevent that problem.

Long-Term Complications Prevention

STD is not only known for its highly infectious properties. However, it also can cause long-term health problems. For example, STD patients can also have infertility problems. In the worst possibility, the STD can cause death.

In the case of Chlamydia, the patient can suffer various pelvic inflammatory diseases. It is one of the most dangerous health conditions because the virus has entered and infected reproductive organs. This health problem can permanently damage the reproductive organs. That can cause infertility problems because the organs don’t work anymore.

For that reason, STD testing can help to prevent those long-term health problems. Doctors can provide the treatment and medication to treat the STD at its early stage. Thus, it prevents the virus from infecting other organs.

Lessen Pregnancy Risks

STD testing also can lower the risk of having various health problems during pregnancy. Some of those problems are:

  • Miscarriage,
  • Low birth weight,
  • Premature labor,
  • Stillbirth.

Each of those problems can harm the mother and baby. STD virus that stays within the body can infect the baby and mother. Thus, it causes those problems.

Moreover, this disease can impact the development of the baby inside the womb. It causes various problems, such as brain and limb defects. Therefore, it impacts their future after the baby is born.

The baby won’t be able to grow like a healthy and normal baby. It obstructs their life when they grow older. Some even die because of the defect caused by the STD virus.

Therefore, it is critical to have an STD test before planning to have a baby. It would also be better to have the test and ensure that the couple is free from the disease before having a closer relationship. More importantly, they should take the test regularly.

How the test can prevent those problems? The test helps to find the STD before conceiving. Once the test detects the STD, a proper treatment can be administered. The patient can recover from this disease and won’t have a problem with their plan.

Lower the Risk of Cancer

We all know that cancer is dangerous. However, cancer is not one of the STDs. The problem here is the STD itself.

STD is one of the elements that can induce cancer. Scientists have found that some STDs affect on increase of cancer risk. Thus, once someone gets an STD, there is a risk that the STD can cause cancer in the infected organs.

For example, Hepatitis B is one of the STDs. It can infect other people through sexual intercourse. This disease can cause liver cancer without proper treatment.

Another example is the Human Papilloma Virus. This one is also STD. This virus can cause cancer in various parts of the body. It is known as one of the factors that cause anal, genital, throat, cervical, and neck cancers.

All the problems above can only occur when the STD is not properly treated. For that reason, a screening or STD test is necessary to find out the disease. After that, the disease can be treated to prevent the increasing cancer risk. That is what we meant about preventing unwanted health risks by conducting STD testing regularly.

Is Testing Enough to Prevent Unwanted Health Problems?

STD testing can surely help to find STDs before they get worse. Thus, proper treatment from the beginning can be applied. However, that is not enough to prevent any health problems caused by STDs. There is another thing that every patient who has an STD must do.

It is to stop the transmission of the disease. Having an STD doesn’t mean the end of a sex life. Anyone who has it needs to be treated until recover. Thus, they will be able to regain their health and have a healthy sex life.

The other way to prevent health problems is having and committing to a monogamous relationship. It will be the best way to prevent STD infection from other people. Of course, the couple should be tested and freed from STDs. That will give you a healthy sex life, and no unwanted health risks, and a healthy life.

Benefits of Having Regular STD Tests

STD test will help to find the disease in its mild stage. That means it can be treated much easier. In most cases, the patient only needs to consume medication and antibiotics. Then, the body’s immune system will fight the virus.

That also means a healthier lifestyle is necessary. A healthy body will have a better and stronger immune system. That can protect the body from the STD virus. Furthermore, even if they get STDs, the healthy body will be able to recover much faster and make the treatment work effectively.

However, the best thing one can get is having a better life and relationship. Regular STD testing ensures anyone has that. That is what every couple wants.


STD testing is not difficult. The process is not that difficult. The only thing that we need to do is find the best place where we can get the test. For that reason, there is one top recommendation for those who visit Bali. It is BIMC Hospital Kuta.

BIMC Hospital Kuta is known for its reliable service and high-tech equipment. The staff are experienced. They also have top-class doctors who will help anyone who wants to get treated for this disease. The infrastructure is satisfying for those who need treatment. Therefore, do not hesitate to book for STD testing at BIMC Hospital Kuta. For more information, please go to or for Emergency call 24 hours +62 361 761263, +62 812 386 5548 (WhatsApp).

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