Meet our aesthetic doctors & surgeon — BIMC Hospital Bali
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Meet our aesthetic doctors & surgeon

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    dr. Rosalina Silvia Dewi, M. Biomed (AAM) Diploma AAAM (USA)

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    dr. Rosalina Silvia Dewi, M. Biomed (AAM) Diploma AAAM (USA)

    dr. Rosa studied anti aging at Udayana University, Bali achieving a magister degree with further studies at the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (USA). With her extensive medical knowledge and training, dr. Rosa is an expert in injectable medical treatments, rejuvenation laser treatments and aesthetic non-surgical facials treatments. She is an active member of the Indonesian Centre for Anti-aging Medicine.

    dr. Rosa believes that each of us has a certain beauty within. With her numerous experience in Botox and filler treatments, dr Rosa is capable applying her expertise in often what is seen as the most difficult facial areas, the eyes and nose. She says filler injections must be performed with great precision in a specialized clinic like BIMC in order to regain the subtleties in one’s unique profile. “The key,” according to dr Rosa is providing patients just the right balance of filler for a natural look. “Never overdo a good thing.”

    “Most aesthetic procedures can be done safely and without any complications when a specialized doctor well understands the anatomy and structure of the patient’s face,” she says. “Making sound clinical judgment, carefully listening to clients and addressing what their needs are, is the most important aspect of my work.”

  • dr. I Made Suka Adnyana, SpBP-RE

    dr. I Made Suka Adnyana, SpBP-RE

    dr. I Made Suka Adnyana, SpBP-RE

    dr. I Made Suka Adnyana, SpBP-RE

    dr. Suka is a member of the prestigious International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), one of the world’s leading professional bodies for board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons. He has been a central figure in the plastic and aesthetic medical community for the past seven years with a passion for facial aesthetics, body and breast contouring. dr. Suka has completed numerous specialized training in skin aesthetics, including extensive training in maxillofacial in Japan. His skills and experience and reputation have elevated him as one of the most recognized plastic surgeons in Bali.
    dr. Suka is an expert in the field of plastic surgery and renowned for his artistry and attention to detail. With numerous patients from Australia and Asia, dr. Suka has gained a reputation in the region and enjoys his role helping foreign visitors return home feeling and looking their best.
    According to dr. Suka, there are some important things that should be concerned before undergoing a cosmetic surgery in order to achieve the desired result. Further consultation with an ISAPS certified plastic surgeon is important before patients decide to undergo the surgery.⠀  
  • dr. Sissy Yunita Surya, M. Biomed (AAM)

    dr. Sissy Yunita Surya, M. Biomed (AAM)

    dr. Sissy Yunita Surya, M. Biomed (AAM)

    dr. Sissy Yunita Surya, M. Biomed (AAM)

    Graduated as a physician from Udayana University in 2007, she started her duty in BIMC Hospital on the following year as an emergency and international escort doctor. dr. Sissy acquired further knowledge in anti aging medicine and receiving a magister in Anti Aging Medicine (AAM) in 2016.  

    With numerous national and international seminars and aesthetic/dermatology workshops behind her, dr. Sissy has developed a range of valuable skills and knowledge specializing in injectable treatments, hormonal therapy, laser, and thread lift procedures. “Being an anti aging and aesthetic doctor is a very fulfilling specialty in the medical care field,” says dr. Sissy. “I have patients of all ages, men and women, who have an array of skin and aging issues, some minor, others more significant, most all of which are solved with excellent outcomes.”

  • Dr. Putu Ardhy Parama Widyatmika, M.ked.klin, Sp.bp Re

    dr. Putu Ardhy Parama Widyatmika, M.Ked.Klin, Sp.BP-RE

    Dr. Putu Ardhy Parama Widyatmika, M.ked.klin, Sp.bp Re

    dr. Putu Ardhy Parama Widyatmika, M.Ked.Klin, Sp.BP-RE

    Setelah menyelesaikan kuliah di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana, dr Ardy mengambil pendidikan profesi bedah plastik dan rekonstruksi estetik di Fakultas kedokteran Universitas Airlangga tahun 2019, dan ditahun yang sama melengkapinya dengan mengambil program pasca sarjana magister ilmu kedokteran klinik.

    Selain menjadi anggota dari Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Plastik Rekonstruksi dan Estetik Indonesia (PERAPI) dr. Ardhy merupakan spesialis berprestasi peringkat 1 dalam ujian nasional Kolegium Bedah Plastik Rekontruksi dan Estetik di Semarang tahun 2019.

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