What are The 3 Importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)? Here's The Full Explanations — BIMC Hospital Bali

What are The 3 Importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)? Here’s The Full Explanations

Posted on : February 6, 2023

What Are The 3 Importance Of Ohs (occupational Health And Safety) Here's The Full Explanations

What are The 3 Importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)? Here’s The Full Explanations — Occupational Health and Safety or OHS is the implementation of programs related to occupational safety and health in the work environment. One of them is related to the work accident compensation program that occurs to employees. Not only that, this program also provides consultation and expertise related to occupational safety and health.

Because OHS is an important matter, especially for manufacturing companies, currently there are many occupational health and safety certifications available for all groups. So, you use the training for a career in the world of OHS.

So, in the OHS program there are occupational health and safety standards that must be met and obeyed by workers. Because of that, here we provide 3 important things in the standard.

So, what are the 3 importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)? Check out the full explanation here so you can understand it well.

Be Responsible to Employees by Ensuring A Safe Workplace

What are the 3 importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)? The first answer is to play a role in responsibility to workers. This is realized through routine workplace safety checks, including checks on work tools and workload.

This is because OHS is closely related to occupational safety and health, so all things that have the potential to cause problems for the safety and survival of employees in the workplace are the focus of OHS.

For this reason, in practice, many aspects need to be reviewed by the company’s OHS team. The job also involves high responsibility because it is related to the safety of others. No wonder if there is a work accident, the OHS management of the company usually blames it.

Because of such an important role, in checking work places and situations, the OHS management team should not do it haphazardly. The reason is, if there is one thing that is missed, then it can be fatal for employees.

So, if you want to be part of the OHS team, then it’s a good idea to learn about it first by attending OHS training. Later, you will gain knowledge about OHS and all of its standards. You will also receive an occupational health and safety certificate which proves that you already have skills in that field.

It Helps Reduce The Consequences of Work Accidents

Companies that have a high level of risk of work accidents must have an OHS team. If not, then when a work accident occurs, employees cannot get all their rights properly.

So, the role of the OHS team at the company is to assist employees in obtaining their rights when an accident occurs at work. The employees also become more assisted by obtaining medical expenses. They will receive compensation costs related to the accidents they experience, so that the burden of medical expenses will not burden the affected employees.

Usually, the company informs about this at the start of work. So, the OHS team will provide direction regarding work safety directives and rules when new employees come to work for the first time. With a high work risk, the company will also provide compensation in the form of insurance to its employees.

Protecting Workers to Protect Companies

The OHS management team is an intermediary between the company and employees. So, the OHS team and employees should have a good relationship and communication. It will be very useful so that the OHS team can communicate anything related to work safety to employees.

Meanwhile, employees must also be willing to accept input and directions from the OHS team. This is because all the standards and rules made by the company come from the results of an analysis related to work risks carried out by the OHS team. So, employees must strictly comply with all occupational health and safety standards so that fatal work accidents do not occur.

Therefore, companies are also required to provide standard OHS training to their employees even though they are not members of the company’s OHS team. It will help employees to have good knowledge related to OHS. If you already know the importance of OHS, of course employees will be educated and can prevent work accidents by themselves.

Another way that companies can communicate about OHS to their employees is to make OHS rules clear and posted in areas that are easy for employees to read. Also make sure that all employees are aware of the use of work equipment properly and all the risks that can arise from this equipment. Therefore, employees must be certified to operate the equipment. Thus, companies should not hire employees who are not certified to operate certain equipment.

So, now you know “what are the 3 importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety),” right? If indeed you or your employees have had an accident at work, immediately take them to the nearest hospital. We, BIMC Hospital Kuta also provides services for work accidents. So, for those of you who work in Bali, don’t wait long and immediately visit our hospital to get the right treatment.

What are The 3 Importance of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)? Here’s The Full Explanations — Occupational Health and Safety or OHS is the implementation of programs related to occupational safety and health in the work environment.

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