Comprehensive Health Assessment
The benefits of a regular medical check are well known. BIMC Hospital has established this health assessment program as a comprehensive examination which will be an important factor for early detection of a specific disease or as a baseline examination for further check ups.
Comprehensive Questionnaire
- Medical history
- Family medical history
- Life style history
- Chest X-Ray (Thorax PA/Lat)
- Stool analysis
- Urine analysis
Physical Assessment
- Thorough physical assessment by the attending doctor
- Blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation
- Weight and height (Body Mass Index), waist circumference
- Color blindness test, visual acuity
Blood Tests
- Complete blood count (CBC: Hemoglobin, Leucocyte, Erythrocyte, Platelet, Hematocrit, ESR, Differential count)
- Liver function test (ALT, AST, Alkali Phosphatase, Gamma GT, Bilirubin T/D)
- Kidney function test (Blood Urea N, Creatinine serum)
- Thyroid function test (TSHS)
- Fasting blood sugar (Fasting Glucose)
- Total lipid profile (Total Cholesterol, Triglyseride, HDL, LDL)
- Screening for gout (Uric Acid)
Health Education
- Low cholesterol dietary recommendation
- Diabetes mellitus patient education
- Assesment will take approximately 2-3 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor with consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Optional Investigations and Tests
In addition to all items listed previously, optional tests are also available, either further recommended by the attending doctor or by patient / employer’s request. Some are listed below:
- Blood Group and Rhesus
- Pregnancy test
- Hepatitis B and C screening (HBs Ag, Anti HBs Ag, Anti HCV)
- General Cancer Screening (Occult blood, AFP)
- Cancer Screening for Women (CA125*, Pap Smear)
- Cancer Screening for Men (PSA**)
- Sexual Transmitted Disease Screening (VDRL, TPHA, Anti HIV)
- Salmonella typhii screening for food handlers (Stool Culture)
- Abdominal Ultrasound (Lower and Upper)
- Treadmill (>40 Years old)
- Lung Function Test (Spirometri)
- Mammogram *
- Breast Ultrasound *
* recommended for Women 40 years old
** recommended for Men 40 years old
Referral for Ultrasound, Treadmill, Spirometery and Mammogram can be arranged by BIMC Hospital.
Pre Employment Health Assessment
This assessment is ideal for pre-employment of your employee. This program emphasize on detection of possible infectious diseases.
Comprehensive Questionnaire
- Medical history
- Family medical history
- Life style history
- Employment history
- Chest X-Ray (Thorax PA/Lat)
- Stool analysis
- Urine analysis
Physical Assessment
- Thorough physical assessment by the attending doctor
- Color blindness test, visual acuity
Blood Tests
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Screening for hepatitis B (Hbs Ag)
Optional Investigations and Tests
- HIV test (anti-HIV)
- Screening for Hepatitis C (anti-HCV)
- Hepatitis B immunization status (anti-HBs)
- Stool culture for Salmonella typhii screening (recommended for food handler)
- Assessment will approximately take 2-3 hours
- No fasting necessary
- The attending doctor will consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination, test results and previous medical history
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
This assessment emphasizes to know the risk of having cardiovascular incident, and most importantly how to prevent it.
Comprehensive Questionnaire
- Medical history
- Family medical history
- Life style history
Blood Tests
- Fasting blood sugar (Fasting Glucose)
- Total lipid profile (Total Cholesterol, Triglyseride, HDL, LDL)
Recommended Optional Investigations and Tests
- Treadmill
- Chest X-Ray
- HbA1C
- Assessment will take approximately 1-2 hours
- Refrain from eating 10 hours prior appointment time, may drink plain water only
- The attending doctor will consider other additional investigations or tests in accordance with the initial examination